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    1,400+ Schools
    1,500+ Learning Pods
    100% FREE for Teachers!

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1,400+ schools hiring every day
District, Charter, Private, Pre-K to 12th Grade
Many jobs available across the U.S.
We cover most metros throughout the US
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Features & Benefits

Get hired by schools or learning pods- for free.

Get selected by over 3,000 schools and learning pods
We’ll match you with schools or learning pods based on your preferences. Only accept the invites and offers you like!
Complete your teacher profile
Complete your teacher profile
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Get listed in search results
Employers apply to you
Employers apply to you
Accept the job offer you want!
Accept the job offer you want!
How It Works
Connect with several schools to get multiple offers. Accept the best job offer and teach at a school you love.
100% Free to use!
No hiring fees for candidates OR employer
Candidate profile promoted to matching employers
Options to job search privately through privacy settings
Access our educator resource library
1. Create a Profile
Tell us about your hiring needs and we’ll match you only with candidates that meet your criteria.
2. Get listed in search results
You only see active job searchers that meet your criteria.
3. Connect directly with schools
If a candidate accepts your invite, message them directly and start your normal interview process.
4. Land a new teaching job!
Speak with several candidates. Extend offers to the best teachers for your school.
Explore Opportunities
We'll help you get the job you love.
Get hired by schools or families near you. We’ll match you with opportunities based on your preferences.
Get Hired by Schools
Free support via our blog and webinars to help your family create and manage your remote learning needs.
Over 1,400+ schools actively hiring
Many jobs available across the U.S.
Only accept invites and offers you want
Support and resources to help you get hired
Get Hired by Families
Schedule a call with one of our learning pod specialists for more personalized support.
Work directly with small groups of families
Expert support to guide you through the process
Set a flexible schedule that works for you
Remote-learning opportunities available!

Find help & support for teachers.

Contact quality, diverse, and relevant pre-k to 12 teachers directly for jobs, curated for your school.
teacher portrait