Selected matches teachers with schools and jobs they love.

Selected matches teachers with schools they love.

Discover 'best fit' schools in metro areas in the Northeast and West Coast, including NYC, NJ, Boston, DC, Philly, and Los Angeles.

NYC school discovery engine

Use our matching engine, based on the NYC School Survey (completed annually by nearly 1 million teachers, students, parents, and administrators), to uncover those schools that best fit you.

Schools apply to you, not the other way around.

Complete a quick common app. Once approved by Selected, interested schools will request an interview directly.

Schools hire qualified teachers faster

Widen the top of the quality funnel -- on a regular basis

We'll deliver top candidates actively looking for employment who best fit your criteria and needs.

Focus on what you do best

We do an initial candidate screen based on preferences you control. Don't change a thing about your existing vetting and interview processes.