Our Team

Our Team

Waine Tam

Waine is the former COO of iMentor, a national college-readiness non-profit. He also served as a mentor to NYC high school students for 10 years. Most recently, he switched careers into software development and has built mobile and web apps in the education- and consumer-tech sectors. Prior to entering the education sector, he spent nine years in the financial services sector. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University.

Luis Pazmino

Luis founded the Autonomous Vehicle Club at City College of New York, and led development of the university’s first autonomous vehicle (coding in Assembly and C). In recent years, he has designed and deployed cloud-based travel applications for product management and booking. His sister is a public school teacher in NYC. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering.

Loren Heinbach

Loren is the Director of Candidate Experience. She's a former public school teacher and Teach for America operations director and teacher coach. She is passionate about helping teachers put their best foot forward as they position themselves for a new role.

Our team also includes talented coaches, engineers, designers, writers, event producers, advisors, and advocates.