

We hope to alleviate the national teacher shortage. Selected was founded to help teachers and schools make higher quality matches with ease. A better fit and discovery process means better retention.

We match teachers with schools and jobs they love. We bring our education and social impact backgrounds, programming and design chops, and passion to accomplish this goal.

At Selected, we believe that your voice and who you are matters. A diverse team and inclusion of multiple perspectives, backgrounds, and skills makes our work more effective and the world a better place.

If you'd love to join our mission, see our open roles or get in touch!

Who we are

Thinkers who do

Always learning. Always curious. Always hungry. Embrace new ideas and constraints. Act with purpose.

Inclusive and value diversity

Diversity and inclusion with intention. Your voice and who you are matters.

Mission- and commercially-driven

Passionate about the mission. Entrepreneurs at heart. Results and data-driven. Resourceful. Constantly reprioritizing based on need and impact.

User experience first

Empathetic to users without prejudice. Anticipate needs. Obsessed with quality of experience. Appreciate details and prioritize those that matter.

Good people

Humble and authentic. Open-minded. Generous and optimistic.


Supportive through every win and failure. Defer credit to the team. Take responsibility and ownership for actions.

Open Role

Senior Software Developer

We are a fullstack JS shop, but open to all language expertise -- especially as we scale. You have experience scaling and optimizing platforms and leading a team. You have an eye towards UX and the business itself.